Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Academic Bride by Lucy McConnell

From Goodreads:
Early on, Pamela Jones realized she had an unusual talent for putting two people together. Over the years, she's turned it into a successful matchmaking service for the ultra wealthy: Billionaire Marriage Brokers. While she specializes in "business" marriages -- paring people off because of their skills, education, or training -- she can spot a potential love match a mile away. When Pamela has a "good feeling" about a bride and groom - a business marriage can become so much more.

Janel Fendrick is a go-getter. Her dream of excavating a Mayan temple is within reach -- until the funding is pulled and she's left scrambling for an alternative. Pamela Jones comes along with a proposal...and a groom! Janel hesitates, until she realizes that one year of marriage is a small price to pay to have all her dreams come true. What she doesn't realize, is that she's about to get more than she ever dreamed of.

My Take:
I read this one so long ago that I needed to reread before reviewing it. It was worth it. This is a sweet romance where the two characters find that they really were perfectly matched. Janel and Nick are cute. They start out flirting through texts and emails--after they get married! They are both trying to live their lives according to the "contract" but find that not only are they attracted to each other, but they genuinely make each other better.

My only beef is I wish there was more of them "dating". A lot of their relationship seems to develop off screen as it were. But even with that, I love the moment they both reveal their true feelings. Both characters are dedicated to making their dreams come true, but willing to bend and compromise so that both can be happy. It's the way marriage should be.

I give The Academic Bride by Lucy McConnell a 4.

1-5 scale and what it means:
1: I couldn’t even finish it / just plain bad
2: I hope I didn’t pay for this / disappointing
3: I didn’t hate it, but it was still missing something / forgettable but inoffensive
3.5: On the line between good and ok / like, not love
4: Solid mind candy / worth reading
4.5: So very close to perfection! / must read
5: I could not put it down and I’m still thinking about it! / a true treasure

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