Professor Douglas Keller meets extraterrestrial Aldrea, a beautiful Quenterian scientist stranded on Earth, while hiking in the Adirondack Mountains. Hunted by the FBI and a warring faction of Aldrea’s people called the Radicals, she turns to Doug for help. Doug is no hero, but after Aldrea used her telepathic abilities to heal him from a lethal wound, a psychic bond formed between them that opened their minds to each other in ways Doug cannot understand and Aldrea cannot explain.
In a nightmarish turn for the worst, Doug, Aldrea, and the FBI agents find themselves very far from Earth in the middle of a violent galactic coup engineered by the ruthless Radical leader, Veera, who aspires to dominate the galaxy. They must defeat Veera before Earth is enslaved—or destroyed. Out of their league and out of time, only the bond between Doug and Aldrea might prevent disaster, if they can figure out how to use it to defeat Veera before it’s too late.
My Take:
I received a free copy from StoryOrigin in exchange for an honest review.
First, the concept and plot are good. Everything is there to make a great story. The characters have potential, but I wanted more depth from them. For instance, the CIA and FBI agents acted like a bunch of middle schoolers vying for importance. I never felt they were actually smart enough to pull off what they do in the book.
The prologue was too long and made me think of the Incredibles movie where they talk about the bad guy monologuing. I believe the book would have had more mystery without the info dump at the start. Otherwise, this was an okay read. I did find myself skimming A LOT and I don't feel like I missed anything important. These were some super lucky characters in my opinion.
I give Visitor 3.5 stars and a Clean rating. There might have been language, but I don't remember it.
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