Monday, June 13, 2016

Between by Cyndi Teffi

Originally read and reviewed August 2011. Since it's been a while, I can't remember if I had to skip any scenes.

From Goodreads:

It just figures that the love of Lindsey Water's life isn't alive at all, but the grim reaper, complete with a dimpled smile and Scottish accent.

After transporting souls to heaven for the last 300 years, Aiden MacRae has all but given up on finding the one whose love will redeem him and allow him entry through the pearly gates.

Torn between her growing attraction to Aiden and heaven's siren song, Lindsey must learn the hard way whether love really can transcend all boundaries.

My Take

This was a fun light read. I read it on my Kindle in a few hours. I think my brain was ready for a romance, and this is just what the doctor ordered. One of the things I enjoyed about this read was the good Christian values without being beat up by them. They were there, but not the point of the book. 

My one beef is that we were thrown into the story so quickly. Bam! Lindsey is dead and instead of freaking out "OMG! I'm dead!" she is "Wow, he's really hot in that kilt. I wonder if he's wearing anything under it?" I would have liked a little more reflection on the life and people she was leaving behind before starting the romance. 

Having said that, the romance was super sweet with just the right amount of heat. I loved that Lindsey was the aggressive one and Aiden had to keep trying to protect her "innocence". Oh, and just when I was getting bored of the dating "between" earth and heaven, Tefft throws in a twist that I never saw coming. 

And it broke my heart! I cried for both of them and couldn't stop reading until the twist was unraveled. 

I give Between a 4--solid and steamy mind candy. I think there might have been one scene I had to skip.

1-5 scale and what it means:
1: I couldn’t even finish it / just plain bad
2: I hope I didn’t pay for this / disappointing
3:  I didn’t hate it, but it was still missing something / forgettable but inoffensive
3.5: On the line between good and ok / like, not love
4: Solid mind candy / worth reading
4.5: So very close to perfection! / must read
5: I could not put it down and I’m still thinking about it! / a true treasure

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